BzzAgent: Tesco Goodness Campaign

I am a Bzz Agent and this post is about a product I was able to test through a current BzzAgent Campaign, I have been thinking a lot about whether or not to post this on here, but then I thought Yes, I will, as it is something I enjoy and I do share a lot of my opinions on here anyway so this is just a bit more structured!

What is BzzAgent?

BzzAgent is a form of word of mouth advertising word of mouth needs to be honest, open and sincere — it just doesn’t work otherwise. Every time I share about a product, online or off, I must:

  • Let people know you’re I am a BzzAgent and received samples or coupons
  • Give them my honest, hype-free opinion

So that is what I intent to do here!

I was sent my BzzAgent pack which contained money off vouchers so I could buy the items to test out (the voucher covers the majority of the purchase price, in most cases all). Unfortunately there were a couple of items (the smoothie pouches and the fromage frais) which my local Tesco did not stock, I did ask if they would be getting in but I got a lot of blank looks from the staff so I will probably try the bigger store next week.

Here are the products we bought:






I absolutely hate making up lunchboxes so the main appeal of this campaign to me was something different to put in them which would be quick and easy, we decided to test them out on the first day at school, J would be eating his at school and A would have it when he finished as he is on short days this week as he has an August birthday so is the baby of Reception class 😀

The boys found it all very exciting, I have participated in another Bzz campaign but it wasn’t something they could try, so this was new to them and they loved choosing what to put in their lunchboxes.


This was A’s selection I was surprised he picked the water as there is nothing in the world which will convince him to drink water usually!


First up the Cheesy tortilla’s! A immediately loved these because they were his size! J said he loved the packet because the prickly cactus made him laugh. Both enjoyed them and finished the packet. My only concern was A said they were really salty, which concerned me as he has never commented on saltiness of anything I have given him before and when I read the packet there was 8% of the RDA for salt in them, not something I would let them have all the time!



Next up the cheese portions, not sure it is something I would buy as I find it more cost effective to just chop some pieces of our main block of cheese and put it in their lunchbox next to their sandwiches. A and J both loved them, the fact that it was different to their normal cheese and in a packet seemed to make it more exciting and they ate them all up.


Next up, Apples and grapes in a bag, there was a choice of just apple or just grapes, but I thought I would get a mixture. The boys loved them, who would have known ready chopped apple could be so exciting! A also loved the cartoon characters on the packet so I would think if you have a child who doesn’t eat fruit this would perhaps encourage them? Luckily my two love fruit!


It is very handy to have a nice sized portion of fruit ready without having to rush to prepare it in the morning, but I was a little bit put off by the short date on them as 2 days was the maximum display until date and some were starting to look at bit brown and squishy. I like to buy all my lunch stuff for the week ahead in one go. They would however be good for one off day trips and similar.

The water didn’t even get tried by A, as after he had got over the excitement of the cartoon picture he was no more tempted to try it! J drank it all but seemed indifferent about it really, but after all it is just water! I liked the size of the bottle and they price seemed very reasonable.

Our last item was a packet of Rocket Ice Lollies J was unable to try them as they have Beetroot colouring in which he has an intollerance to, but A was more than happy to give them ago. They come in packs of 8 and are quite a decent size for a children’s product A really enjoyed them 😀

Thats it for now, I shall update if we get the missing items 😀