In the Kitchen: Flapjack (the best ever)

We love flapjack, however my home made ones have not been as good recently (not soft enough) and therfore I have been desperately searching for a new recipe!

A Google search led me to The Hedge comber blog and what claimed to be  “The best flapjack recipe in the whole wide world ever!”. Quite a statement! I had all the ingredients in so I decided to give it a whirl and it did not disappoint!


Fab recipe, perfect consistency and very filling! I cut into 10 pieces instead of 16, next time I will go for 16 these are way too big!


The boys loved them too so I’ll certainly be making them again!


I enjoyed them with a nice cup of tea!

Recipe can be found over on The Hedge combers blog here

Slow Cooker Butter Chicken and Naan bread


With only two weeks until assignment submission and exam day its all about quick meals in our house.

Last night we had the best slow cooker curry ever, pictures are awful but if you pop over to Half Baked Harvest you can marvel at the beautiful pictures and how speedy it is to prepare! Then have a look at the equally as yummy and just as easy Naan bread recipe, mine were a little over cooked as I left them in the oven whilst finishing assignment number two, but they still tasted great!

In the kitchen: Lime drizzle cake

Today I baked a cake for the first time in ages. We are going out for the day tomorrow and taking a picnic so I thought I would try a recipe I found HERE on Green Cooking Blog for lemon drizzle sponge with lime buttercream.


Out came my trusty mixer I’m unsure how old it is but I am 35 and it belonged to my Nan who passed away when I was 7!

I followed the recipe except I put the buttercream in the middle as it’s less messy to eat!


I baked as one sponge though, just so I could try out the cotton cutting method….look how straight it is!


The buttercream  is beautiful, I’m not usually a buttercream fan but the lime juice stops it being to sickly.


It’s a huge hit with everyone, hope there is some left for our picnic tomorrow!

Thanks for posting the recipe Will!

Reduce, Recycle, Reuse: Zero Waste Week

Click here for National Zero Waste week 2012

Next week is National Zero Waste Week, an opportunity for everybody to sign up to recycle one more thing, which if it happened would make a huge impact on the amount of recycling.

I plan to do my bit by recycling batteries, I always see the recycling box in my local supermarket whenever I go in and think “I must start making use of that” and never do, so now is the time I am going to start!

To get involved click on the link above and leave them a comment letting them know how you plan to make a difference, why not leave me a comment to let me know what you are doing as well 😀