Procrastination, Distraction & Emotion

As the title says, it’s all getting in the way at the moment, I’ve been able to return to my crafts and my blog as I’ve been lucky enough to have 3 weeks off.

I should however be glued to my laptop as I have so many assignments to write.
They need to by in at the start of may and I have done just one (the small one!)


I have so many distractions in my life things I would rather be doing. I have ideas for starting decorating another room in my house but for now I’ve held myself back to just buying a few pieces to go in the kitchen.


I discovered a video on free form crochet….I wanted to make a space notebook…tried and failed at a sun but turned it in to the beginnings of a flower. Something to go back to at some point.


As a family we love the Disney Pixar short LAVA and my 7 year old asked me to learn to play the song from it on my Ukulele, that’s another work in process I’ve mastered the chorus and the end so far!


I’ve enjoyed cooking a lot more like I used to, big home made meals without a packet in sight! Last night i made garlic bread which was amazing


Then on Sunday Niki was very poorly again (she had Pancreatitis last year and almost died) and she spent an entire day at the vets they have no idea what is wrong with her but seem preoccupied that she is very bald….she lost a lot of fur when she was so poorly last year and it hasn’t grown back since. It hasn’t concerned me as she is on EN food and it was her old PROPLAN food which made her fur nice. Anyway they were also worried about low white cells but reading THIS health pack resource  they aren’t low for a greyhound so I think I need a greyhound vet. She seems brighter today though.


So, life, fun, family and pets are getting in the way of assignments which I’ve well and truly lost my motivation for!

Nikki news: Ready and waiting, 1 sleep to go!


We are all ready now for Nikki’s arrival tomorrow! We have a comfy cosy bed, toys (too many!), food and water bowls, bandanas (!) & id tag and food and some yummy treats 🙂 I also have a lot of little bits and bobs like towels/travel water bottles/grooming brushes/doggy bags etc….got a tiny bit carried away in the bargain shops. The only thing left to buy is her coat which we will get from Rgt tomorrow as we need to have Nikki with us to get the right size! So excited I could burst 🙂

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